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The **Stamp** script is an attempt at simplifying the process of marking image sequences with useful information such as frame, date, timecode, author, version, name of file, sequence, shot, etc. ====== Usage ====== As of august 2015, the Blender binary has to be downloaded from the [[|Blender Buildbot]], or compiled from the latest git version, as it includes the Text Sequence used in the script. Right now, the path to the **blender binary** has to be specified in the file, in the ''blender_bin'' variable. The script is written in Python, and uses Blender for image marking and rendering. The script is command-line only at the moment. To get usage help, type: <code>python --help</code> ===== Template mode ===== A .json template file can be written to speed up the marking process, once a specification has been decided upon. In //template mode//, you have to call the script thus: <code>python --template PATH/TO/TEMPLATE.json PATH/TO/IMAGE.ext [--options...]</code> Type ''%%--help%%'' to get a list of options you can type. These options are specified in the template.json file, in the following form: <code>[ { "field": "Plan", "value": "P01", "position": "BOTTOM-LEFT", "size": 15, "color": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "inline": false } ]</code> You then have to pass arguments to the program according to the template, such as: ''%%--plan P12%%''. **Alternatively**, you can use the ''%%--default%%'' option to use //all// fields defined in the template, with their default values. ===== Metadata mode ===== The **Metadata mode** is similar to the Template Mode, but it uses a json string, passed in command line to the ''%%--metadata%%'' argument, to generate fields. For example, the following string will create an “A text” field and a “Frame” field: <code>--metadata '[{"field":"A text", "value":"Salut !", "color":[1.0,0.5,0.5]}, {"field":"Frame", "inline":false, "color":"#0137F0"}]'</code> ===== Special fields ===== Some fields have a special behaviour. * **Frame** and **Timecode** respectively print the frame and timecode, read from the file name. * **Date** prints the specified string, or defaults to today's date in DD/MM/YYYY format. ===== Example template ===== <code>{ "settings": {"resolution": [1920,1080] }, "metadata": [ { "position": "BOTTOM-LEFT", "value": "S001", "size": 15, "color": "#FF0000", "inline": false, "field": "S\u00e9quence" }, { "position": "BOTTOM-LEFT", "value": "P01", "size": 15, "color": [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "inline": true, "field": "Plan" }, { "position": "BOTTOM-LEFT", "value": null, "size": 15, "color": [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ], "inline": false, "field": "Frame" }, { "position": "BOTTOM-LEFT", "value": null, "size": 15, "color": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "inline": true, "field": "Timecode" }, { "position": "TOP-LEFT", "value": "today", "size": 15, "color": "#00FF00", "inline": false, "field": "Date" } ] }</code> This template generates the following image: {{::template_0018.png}} ====== External Links ====== [[|Script on GitHub]]

stamp.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/20 10:29 by damien